December 2004
Culinary Holiday's Season send off.
Courtesy of Carol ("The Science of Cooking") Sky
- Cafe Brulot Bread Pudding
- 1 loaf stale French Bread (10 ounces)
1 quart whole milk
3 eggs, slightly beaten
2 cups sugar
1 teas. ground nutmeg
2 Tablespoons vanilla
1 cup raisins
2 ounces Bourbon
2 ounces Butter
- Soak bread in milk. With hands, crush until well mixed. In a large bowl mix eggs, sugar, nutmeg, vanilla, and raisins; add Bourbon and mix well. Addd milk-bread mixture and blend well.
- Grease 9 x 12 x 2" baking pan with butter. Pour in the bread mixture and bak at 350 degrees until firm, approximately 50 - 55 min. The top should be crusty.
- Whisky Sauce
- 1 stick (1/4 pound) butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup Bourbon
- On low heat, melt butter in heavy saucepan. Stir in sugar and water; dissolve sugar. Remove from fire and let cool for 10 minutes. Beat in egg; add Bourbon. Yields 2 1/4 cups.
- Enjoy!
Expos Update |
Jim Paulsel |
BackStreet Bistro, Santa Fe.
December 10 - 31, 2004 . |
November 2004
The next meeting of the Science and Art Forum at EL Gancho, Old Las Vegas Highway, Wednesday Nov 10th at 7:15.
The purpose of this meeting, besides being our pre-holiday opportunity to rejoice in
seeing each other, eat, drink, laugh and gossip, is to put forward some ideas for our group for next year.
Between January and June we have, potentially, six times to meet at the most. If a few of us have an interesting idea for either a project, guest speaker, presentation, an outing to an interesting event or show, perhaps a great book to read and discuss, etc..and/or
would be willing to host a meeting, or get together with a few other people to host a meeting, then I think we're in business. Think about what you might want to do, which month you would like, and sign up!
October 2004
Meeting at Bob Everett's. Demonstration of a Lord Kelvin's "Rain Storm" Static Electricity Generator built in the form of a proto-sculpture, along with several electrostatic actuators. Bob Everett will discuss this strange device and its 250 year history, detailing its importance in the development of modern-day scientific theory, and showing how it may be related to art. This picturesque machine and its unearthly behavior never fails to fascinate artists and scientists alike, and has to be seen to be appreciated.
Forum Business Meeting, chaired by Hillary. At this meeting plans for the A&S Forum's pending show of works of art related to water at the Gaugy Gallery may be made, and the future of the forum and its activities will be formulated. If possible please come prepared to contribute to the discussions of the future direction and activities of the forum with suggestions for activities and presentations.
September 2004
August 2004
Expos Update |
Hillary Riggs |
A conversation with visual artist and entrepreneur Hillary Riggs and nanotech developer and neuroscientist Alex Nugent.
Awakening Museum, Santa Fe, NM
Thursday, August 26, 7 PM |
Ursula Freer |
Art Going Digital
The Fisher Gallery, Albuquerque, NM.
August 20 - October 1st
June 2004
- I know all who were able to join us at Elspeth
magical labyrinth garden will agree that it was a event
to remember. The
depth and breadth of the evolutionary theme expressed in
Hillary unique
blend of exquisite craftsmanship and mythical imagery was
overwhelming for me. It is truly an feat of science and
art integration and a fine
example of collaboration.hank you for sharing your outstanding
accomplishment with our group. Your hard work and creative
spirit will touch
many for years to come.
- After touring the extensive garden, we
all caravanned to Judy's for a sit down feast of baked
salmon and many wonderful additions from everyone. My
only regret was that somehow with all our feasting Hillary
did not command the stage to tell us more about her incredible
project with Elspeth. Maybe next fall!
- Susan
May 2004
Sunday, May 16.
It is always good to be reminded of the "power
of intention".
Jim was
consulted as concern mounted over the cloud cover. We decided
to proceed as
if the stars would appear and indeed they did! By 8:30 or
so 9 of us could
be counted hovering around Jim's amazing telescope, each
of us with his or
her own tale of adventure in getting there. Mine included
being escorted to
Rt 34 with a good hearted,local guy on a motorcycle. The
celelestial bodies
with Jim's help, put on a show that made it a jewel of an
evening. Thank you
Jim and friend Andy for all that it took to stage this fabulous
show for us!
See you next Monday,the 24th for the garden labyrinth walk.
Detail forthcoming.
Monday, May 10.
All those who either couldn't or wouldn't,
missed a real treat last night. Barbara's creative spirit
shone wherever one's eyes landed. Barbara's home is her
gallery with paintings, sculpture and mosaic creations,and
her biggest design accomplishment. We also got a glimpse
of her very professional portfolio of the art she has created
and placed in major public places. She takes on large,labor
intensive projects with great confidence! Bravo, Barbara!
We did manage to find time to talk about future plans. The first one
coming up is the star gazing evening,this Sunday. Jim cam forth with a
beautiful map to Rowe Mesa. We are meeting at 7:30 each with his or her own
supper picnic. The celestial bodies and Jim will be "on" at 8:30.
FYI...Jim's telescopes are "awesome", a word I reserve for the very
Thank you Jim for organizing and offering this wonderful opportunity to
place our little selves and our earth in cosmic perspective.
Monday the 24th we will be touring the labyrinth garden and Hillary's
sculpture. She will be sending directions and we will meet at 5:45pm. There
are plans to have dinner together afterward. More details coming.
Be on the lookout for a survey from Michelle that will glean your
suggestions for the future shape of the Forum. A meeting at the end of
August has been set on Monday the 23rd. But you will be notified as that
time draws near. That's a lot and all for now.
Expos Update |
Jim Paulsel |
"Images of the Southwest"
Wells Fargo Bank, Santa Fe.
May 7 - 18, 2004 . |
- The Journey
Gallery is beginning to feel
like home thanks to Michelle's
open invitation for our meetings. Hillary led us in
an activity designed to
give us insight into the various and unique ways that
our diverse group
investigates and responds to their world. We all sat
around the huge
library table where we had placed 3 groups of natural
and man made objects.
After exploring them quietly we shared our individual
encounters and
creative impulses with the group as a whole. It was a
great way to
appreciate our rich diversity and our science and art
overlap. Unbeknown to us Sky was interviewed on KSFR
where he announced the existence of our Forum which
brought two new people to our meeting,Carol and Bob
Everett. Paul Biagi artist/ physicist/dancer also attended
for the first time.
I formally announced to the group that I have accepted a year long "Artist
in Residency" at The Byrdcliffe Art Colony in Woodstock NY, strategically
near my children and grandchildren, also 1.5 hr.from NYC. beginning June
1st. You may get the whole story on the web at .
I will be renting a 3 bedroom house right in the middle of the art colony,
a totally new adventure for me.
- There will be a meeting on Monday, May
10th at The Journey
Gallery to map out a plan of action
for the Forum now that your fearless leader is flying
the coop, so to speak. Of course I will continue to hold
the touch for the integration of science and art. It
will just be a little farther away .I am confident that
something new and exciting will emerge. You know that
I will miss you all and place great value on our friendship
and shared times together. I am not leaving forever!
- Upcoming events in May:
- - Monday, May 10th 7:15, The
Journey Gallery - Planning session. Please let us know whether or not
you will be attending.
- - Sunday, May 16th Late
afternoon/early evening "Star Gazing Evening" offered
by Jim Passel at Rowe Mesa. Details and directions will
be sent closer to the date.
- - Monday, May 24th Tour of Hillary's
Garden Sculpture Project and
dinner together afterward. Details forthcoming.
- Susan
March 2004
- Dear Forum friends,
- Once again we thank Michelle for giving
us the pleasure of gathering in their beautiful gallery
now renamed,"The
Journey". The intention was to pool our investigations
into the scientific, artistic and spiritual properties
of our theme,"Water".After sharing the research
we broke into small groups to share plans and ideas around
our creative projects for the show. We estimate that around
13 members will be participating. There will be no jury,trusting
that everyone will put forth his or her very best expression.
Please investigate the sculpture garden when you are in
the area because art pieces may be placed there as well
- Shidoni is not able to schedule us on
our chosen night, Monday the 12th
for our April meeting. We will meet either at The Journey
gallery or at
Sky's. Will up date you soon about the place and details
on the topic. If
you have something you would like to run past us regarding
your art project
please let me know as we can make time for this. We think
it is important to
get the groups input if you need it.
Remember to check out Judy's photography show at Wells Fargo Bank and
Jean and Han's art at The Atomic Show at The Fuller Lodge in Los Alamos.
We well,be whole!
- Susan
February 2004
- Dear Forum friends,
- Last night in the exquisite Sacred Arts
gallery at "The
Awakening", Larry
Campbell (aka the talented photographer Laurelo
Cambello) invited
us into the infinite world of mathematics, offering us a glimpse into "Infinity".
candor, humor,
mastery and confidence that we would "get it", Dr Campbell commanded the
We were bedazzled by pages of integers, alephs and "c's leading us down a
path to nowhere and everywhere at the same time.
- Campbell ended his lecture with
exceptionally fine statements on "Art and Mathematics":
- " The infinite! No other question
has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man."
- David
Hilbert (1921)
- " Since, … mathematics is an entirely
free activity, unconditioned by the external world, it
is more just to call it an art than a science. It is
as independent as music of the external world; and although,
unlike music, it can be used to illuminate natural phenomena,
it is just as 'subjective,' just as much of a product
of the free creative imagination. And it is not that
the mathematicians are impelled by the same incentives
and experience the same satisfactions as other artists.
The literature of mathematics is full of aesthetic terms,
and the mathematician who said that he was less interested
in results than in the beauty of the methods by which
he found the results was not expressing an unusual sentiment.
But to say that mathematics is an art is not to say that
it is a mere amusement. Art is not something which exists
merely to satisfy an 'aesthetic emotion.' Art which is
worthy of the name reveals to us some aspect of reality.
This is possible because our consciousness and the external
world are not two independent entities. … The significance
of mathematics resides precisely in the fact that it
is an art; by informing us of the nature of our own minds
it informs us of much that depends on our minds. … Mathematics
is of profound significance in the universe, not because
it exhibits principles that we must obey, but because
it exhibits principles that we impose. It shows us the
laws of our own being and the necessary conditions of
experience. And is it not true that the other arts do
something similar in those regions of experience which
are not of the intellect alone? it is certain that the
real function of art is to increase our self-consciousness;
to make us more aware of what we are, and therefore of
what the universe in which we live really is. And since
mathematics, in its own way, also performs this function,
it is not only aesthetically charming but profoundly
significant. It is an art, and a great art. It is on
this, besides its usefulness in practical life, that
its claim to esteem must be based."
- John
William Navin Sullivan (b. 1886)
- Sullivan held
that the creators in mathematics or art must, in addition
to possessing certain positive qualities, suffer from
an important disability: that of being unable simply
to accept the world, as practical men do. Certain fatal
inhibitions are absent, inhibitions which stifle both
curiosity and the ability to form independent ideas.
- We enjoyed a lively exchange during and
after the lecture and are most appreciative of the time,talent
and expertise that went into this fine presentation.
Low carb brownies were served.
- It was a great evening all around as
we also made some business decision. Because of changes
in the winter schedule, we have switched our meetings
to the second Monday of the month. Hope this suits those
of you who were not there as well. So our next meeting
will be Monday, March 8th.
- Michelle has kindly offered her beautiful
gallery once again. We will start at 7:15 pm. Thank you,
Michelle!!! Your gallery is a perfect setting for our
- The science topic for our art inspiration
for the October exhibit was chosen.It had to be broad
enough to inspire a diverse group of artists, accessible
in concept to the general public,full of visual images
and metaphors for our imaginations and a topic that is
close to all of us and in this case to all living things.
The topic is "WATER", perhaps with the subtitle of Dynamic
fluid motion / fluidity etc. We will all be gathering
references, ideas and images to bring to our next meeting.
Of note is the fact that "Vortices" has been one of
Larry's area of research.
- Susan Latham
January 2004
- Greetings
- Many thanks to Judy and Jim for hosting
our January meeting. We learned a lot about the digital
process, equipment and the printing process in a lively
interactive atmosphere. I know that they already have
photo clients from our group and I am sure more are on
their way to their door.
- Jim,
made the leap from nuclear physics to the camera and
Judy own background is being an artist and former
gallery owner. Always of
interest to a group who love things that crossover.
- There is an interesting exhibit opening
at the Monroe Photography Gallery, Friday
January 16. It is all about smooching (kissing)...
- Happy
January, the still point of the year!
- Susan