At our 12/12 meeting we had a good turnout
of about 24 people at Dianna
Sheffield's house. We discussed the
details of the show at St. John's with
our special guest Maggie
Magalnick(Director of Art Gallery at St. John's)
and members in the group show discussed
the art work they plan to create for
the show. Some members not at the meeting
sent written descriptionw which
were read out to the asembly. About
18 of the members artworks were
discussed. The show is shaping up to
be an interesting collection of art!
discussed the group show at St. John's
as a main agenda topic; including guidelines
for content of the work to be suitable
for the theme, Elements: Earth, Fire,
Air, Water.
Titus Paulsel gave a presentation
on Digital Fine Art Printing. This
covered image capture, color
management, overall image color
correction, Photoshop adjustments,
media selection, and archival printing.
Update |
Paulsel |
"The Wanderer's Eye"
August Gallery, Santa Fe. NM.
September 9 - September 30 |
Sasha Wasko |
Monotypes,Photos & Oils
Hideway - Stoneridge
September 9 - September 30
St. John's College Art Gallery has confirmed the
acceptance of our proposal
for a group show, Elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water so get your
art project
into high gear! We will have the show in the March/April 2006
time frame
(exact dates will be set in early November) and it will be in
with an outdoor sculpture show of ecology related pieces from
Mexico. Muy
At our season-opener regular meeting on September 12th Jean
Constant gave a
presentation on how he creates his digital art. This was a detailed
and very
interesting and informative presentation. Jean's wonderful selection
of many
of his art pieces was fabulous! Thanks so much, Jean, for a
Our meeting discussion also included the issue of how often
members need to
attend to be considered eligible for full participation in FSA,
art shows. We will discuss further at our next meeting.
JUNE 2005
Good news on the group show front! Carol Sky reports that the board for themuseum space at St. John's College has decided, on a provisonal basis, that they wish to proceed with our proposed group show, Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. The show will be in March or April in 2006. We discussed prospects for the FSA group show and venues. (Above news means
we have a show venue, if we promptly provide the gallerists with requested
input.) Also, there was a show and tell period of members work and their planned
projects for the show. Very interesting discussions and good time had by
Attendance was less than unusual (but good quality!). It was decided that we
will take a summer break for July and August as the members all have many
activities competing for their time in the Santa Fe high season. Also the
picnic plans were put on hold (a leaf watching picnic in the fall?). We will meet in September on the usual 2nd Monday of the month, i.e.,
September 12. We need a speaker for the meeting to kick off the new FSA
season. Got an interesting topic or project? Present it to the group! Please
let me know. Thanks.
Enjoy the FSA summer break, AFTER you submit your image and bio for the
Spring 2006 FSA group show at St. John's!
MAY 2005
We had a good turnout of about 15 people, enjoyed good conversation, engaged
in hopeful discussion about our group show and were treated to an excellent
1. Review FSA group show plans. Members reported on contacts with possible
venues for the show: Elements - Earth, Fire, Air, Water
- Titus Paulsel found out that the SFCC main art gallery is now booked into
2007. The main entrance corridor space could be available sooner. After some
discussion, it was decided to pursue more information about the corridor
space and see if we can get on the gallery waiting list. Also, the Jemez
room might be a good space to have the opening (as mentioned by Giuseppe
Quinn). It is well equipped and can be rented for $50 a night. This and the
other item will also be investigated by Titus.
- Carol Sky reported that her initial contact with St. John's received a strong statement of interest as the type show of interest to them. Sounds like a real possibility. Carol will pursue.
- Hillary Riggs contacted Pamela Michaelis and found out that her organization
(which publishes a guide for art galleries, etc.) will be opening a new
office in ABQ and it will include some gallery space. She was interested in
a show like ours. Although this might not be a good primary venue it could
be well suited as a follow on location after the opening location. Hillary
will look further into this and also explore ways to promote the show.
- Leah Siegel reported that she had been trying to contact the Rotunda gallery of the capital. A later report from her noted that the gallery is booked until 2009. She will try to get us on the list and hope for an earlier opportunity.
- Bob Everett mentioned the Museo Cultural space as possibly being suitable.
He will pursue this possibility when he has a meeting there next week.
- With some persistence we will find a venue for our show! Thanks to all for their efforts.
2. A presentation/discussion by Bob Everett on Pendulums & Oscillations and
Application to Artworks.
Meeting's snapshots & Bob's pendula |
Check Bob's Pendula PowerPoint presentation |
PHOTOS Courtesy Judy Youen, Jim Paulsel |
Bob's presentation was excellent! He had a good
PowerPoint presentation that explained about the math (with a light touch!)
and the behavior of the pendulum taken in a single dose or up to 3-D arrays.
Best of all, Bob presented and demonstrated 3 pendulum system that he built.
These included the simple, unconstrained pendulum, a two pendulum spring
coupled system and a 5 pendulum spring coupled system. Watching the systems
placed in motion (in various ways) was fascinating. Bob concluded with some
interesting suggestions on using pendulua in artworks. Thanks again, Bob,
for a great presentation!
Agenda for June 13 Meeting -
For June 13 we do not yet have a speaker lined up. How about you? If you
wish to make a presentation please let me know. It can be anything that
covers science and/or art which covers a lot! You can talk about some new
development, your recent (or past) work, a trend that interests you or
whatever. It can be very informal or with PowerPoint's and handouts. You
choose! Please reply with your interest in speaking with the group. It will
be much appreciated! Thanks.
Plans for the Forum for Science and Art Picnic -
- For July or August we will have a picnic to enjoy the Santa Fe/New Mexico
scene with the biggest and baddest scientist of all, Mother Nature! Please
send in your thoughts/suggestions.
- 1. What month? - July? or August? 2. What day of week? - Saturday? or Sunday? 3. What Dates? - July 9? or 10? August 6? or 7? (These dates avoid the big weekends: Indian Market, Spanish Market, International Folk Art Market, Art Santa Fe, Chamber Music Festival, Ethnographic Art, etc.) 4. Where? - Little Tesuque(or others in Ski Area?), Rio Grande(at Diablo Canyon)?, Tent Rocks?, La Bajada?, Hyde Park?, a member's yard or land? 5. This would be a pot luck for food, with some coordination to avoid too much or too little of the various picnic staples. 6. Entertainment would be via members guitars (or harps), badminton sets, portable painting setups, ditto for a photo studio, etc. Please send in your comments/suggestions for a memorable FSA picnic!
- Thanks,
- Titus Paulsel
APRIL. 2005
Notes for April 11 Meeting
- 1. Alex Riggs gave a presentation on Knowm, his nano-technology company for advanced computing. The presentation was filmed as a video. Using the metaphor of a flowing river and how it interacts with its environment, Alex sketched how the recognition process of the neurons of the brain operate. The animations and well chosen images were very effective. The Knowm process has recently received a patent, with more in the pipeline to come. Creating a working prototype is now being addressed by Knowm. The initial applications would be for voice recognition and visual recognition as an auxiliary component of a computer system.
- Thanks, Alex, for a excellent presentation. (Thanks, Hillary for the delicious raspberry cheesecake!)
- .
- 2. The FSCIART group show planned for Spring of 2006, Theme: Elements - Earth, Fire, Air, Water, was discussed and a final draft proposal was handed out (see at the end of this e-mail). Our next step is to collect information on each artist and a sample image of the artist's work (a .jpg file preferred). PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR ARTIST INFORMATION (2 or 3 brief paragraphs) and IMAGE FILE ASAP. (Or provide an Internet address where this info can be found.)
- Carol Sky will be contacting St. John's for possible interest in the show at that location. Likewise, Titus Paulsel will contact Santa Fe Community College. Hillary Riggs will contact Pamela Michaelis (of the Collector's Guide and related art promotions) for her comments/advice on the show.
- If other FSCIART members have contacts with the targeted galleries (see below), they are encouraged to make an informal contact for potential interest. Let's pull together to make the show happen!
- .
- Advance Notice for May 9 Meeting - A presentation/discussion by Bob Everett on Pendulums & Oscillations and Application to Artworks. (We will have more details later). Many of you will remember Bob's demonstration of a water powered electrostatic generator that was unusual and fascinating. Be ready for another such event on May 9.
- .
- Thanks,
- Titus Paulsel
- .
- At the March 21 Meeting the group decided to approach these organizations as possible venues for the FSCIART Group Show for Spring 2006: College of Santa Fe, Fine Arts Gallery; Center for Contemporary Art; Santa Fe CC, Art Gallery; Museo Cultural; Rotunda Gallery at the Capital; Nuart Gallery. Following is a draft proposal. Your comments needed! Also, if you desire to be in the show, now is the time to let the group know.
- .
- Proposal for Show by The Forum for Science and Art
- .
- A. Summary
- The Forum for Science and Art, based in Santa Fe, is planning a group show for Spring of 2006 and is seeking a gallery for this show. Approximately a dozen members of the Forum will participate in the show, with the theme: Elements - Earth, Fire, Air Water. The artists will create works in a variety of media to realize the theme.
- .
- B. The Forum for Science and Art - FSCIART
- This group, now in their 9th year, was established in Santa Fe to bring together artists and scientists to discuss the interactions of the worlds of science and art, and for intellectual and artistic stimulation. The group currently has about 35 members who as artists create paintings, sculpture, photography, digital art and performance art. Members also include working scientists in several fields. Some members are professionally active in both science and art.
- The group meets monthly in Santa Fe to review their current art/science activities and attend presentations, by members as well as by outside speakers, on topics of interest. The Forum for Science and Art represents a wide range of knowledge and skills in the two disciplines. Interested individuals who are not artists or scientists are also welcome to attend the meetings.
- For more about FSA, visit their site at on the Internet.
- .
- C. Theme for Show: Elements - Earth, Fire, Air, Water
- The FSCIART members will interpret this theme by creating original artworks in various media such as painting, sculpture, photography, music, and digital art. This theme represents the collective concerns of life in the Southwest. How these natural elements both shape and enhance our environment, and also offer threats as well, will be explored. During the creative process, the artists will interact to assure a variegated, yet, cohesive realization of the theme.
- .
- D. FSCIART Members Participating in the Show
- The following FSCIART members plan to create works for the group show:
- Ursula Freer - Digital art
Larry Campbell - Photography
Doug Czor - Sculpture
Hillary Riggs - Sculpture and painting
Susan Latham - Sculpture
Bruce Papier - Performance and/or ambient background music
Judy Youens - Photography
Barbara Shaw - Photography and Painting
Titus Paulsel - Photography
Susan Herdman - Photography
Carol Sky - Painting
Jean Constant - Digital art
Dianna Sheffield - Painting
Raphaela Monribot - Painting and Digital Art
Robert Everett - Photography
Amy Stein - Painting
- On average each artist will create two works, so the show will have about 25 pieces. See attached information for each artist.
- .
- E. FSCIART Responsibilities
- The Forum for Science and Art, and its members, propose to furnish the following for the show:
- -Artworks created by members, provided in a ready to hang condition with title cards
- Transportation of the artworks to and from the Gallery Assistance in the hanging and taking down of the show Promotion of the show and Gallery through the use of the mailing lists of FSA and its members
- Promotion of the show and Gallery by contacts with the press and other media
- - Arrangement of a marketing event such as a FSA meeting for the public about the show. Payment of a portion of the sales of each work to the Gallery.
- .
- F. Gallery Responsibilities
- Provide the gallery space for the show during the spring 2006 season Have the Show up approximately 2 to 4 weeks Provide usual insurance for gallery shows and artworks Assistance in hanging/taking down the show Promotion of the show by Gallery through mailings and advertising As appropriate, provide gallery space for the show at sister or galleries for a traveling show.
- .
- G. Conclusion
- The Forum for Science and Art believes the proposed show will be of interest and value for the arts community as well as the general public. The diversity of the skills and interests of the artists will insure a show with a broad scope, and it will be of professional artistic quality. We hope to discuss with the Gallery more details of the show and the artists to be involved.
March 2005
Our next meeting is Monday, April 11 at 7:15, at
the studio of Titus Paulsel in Santa Fe.
The PhotoCorral studio is at 1550B Pacheco
St., studio #7. For directions to the studio
visit where you will
find directions and a map for viewing or
to print. Or call 501-4085 for more information.
Agenda for April 11 (Please consider bringing some small item of food or drink for the meeting. Thanks!)
- 1. A presentation/discussion by
Alex Riggs on Knowm (his nano-technology
ideas and company for advanced computing;
visit for more info). Hillary
and Alex are in the process of filming
a video about Knowm. Alex will give a
presentation with some visuals, including
a PowerPoint projection, while the videographer
films it, and gets some questions (from
Forum members) and answers, all on video.
And could be a means of also boosting
interest in the Forum, if shown at various
locales (with the permission of Alex
and Hillary). This will be very interesting,
be sure to attend!
- 2. Advance Notice for May 9 Meeting - A presentation/discussion by Bob Everett on Pendulums & Oscillations
and Application to Artworks. (We will
have more details later). Many of you
will remember Bob's demonstration of
a water powered electrostatic generator
that was unusual and fascinating. Be
ready for another such event on May 9.
- 3. Discussion of the FSCIART group show planned for Spring of 2006. Theme: Elements - Earth, Fire, Air, Water
At the March 21 Meeting the group decided to approach these organizations as possible venues for the FSA Group Show for Spring 2006: College of Santa Fe, Fine Arts Gallery; Center for Contemporary Art; Santa Fe CC, Art Gallery; Museo Cultural; Rotunda Gallery at the Capital; Nuart Gallery. Following is a draft proposal. Your comments needed! Also, if you desire to be in the show, now is the time to let the group know. Proposal for Show by The Forum for Science and Art
- A. Summary
- The Forum for Science and Art, based in Santa Fe, is planning a group show for Spring of 2006 and is seeking a gallery for this show. Approximately a dozen members of the Forum will participate in the show, with the theme: Elements - Earth, Fire, Air Water. The artists will create works in a variety of media to realize the theme.
- B. The Forum for Science and Art - FSA
- This group was formed over
7 years ago in Santa Fe to bring
together artists and scientists to discuss
the interactions of the worlds of science
and art. The group currently has
about 35 members who as artists create
paintings, sculpture, photography, digital
art and performance art. Members also
include working scientists in several
fields. Some members are professionally
active in both science and art. The group
meets monthly in Santa Fe to review their
current art/science activities and attend
presentations of topics of interest by members as well
as by outside speakers. Together the
Forum for Science and Art represents
a wide range of knowledge and skills
in the two disciplines.
C. Theme for Show: Elements - Earth, Fire, Air, Water
- The FSA members will interpret this theme by creating original artworks in various media such as painting, sculpture, photography, music, and digital art. This theme represents the collective concerns of life in the Southwest. How these natural elements both shape and enhance our environment, and also offer threats as well, will be explored. During the creative process, the artists will interact to assure a variegated, yet, cohesive realization of the theme.
February 2005
Our next meeting is March 14 at 7:15 PM (second
Monday of month), at the studio of Titus
Paulsel in Santa Fe. The PhotoCorral studio
is at 1550B Pacheco St., studio #7. For
directions to the studio visit
where you will find directions and a map
for viewing or to print. Or call 501-4085
for more information.NOTE: The meeting
dates were changed at the Feb. 8 meeting
by unanimous vote of the members present.
This change was to accommodate active members
who could no longer attend on second Tuesdays.
See you on the second Monday of March,
the 14th!Meeting Notes, 2-8Jean Constant gave a presentation and a digital art tour. With a digital projector, we had have large, colorful images to view! We saw images of Jean's digital art and works of others in the show in Paris at the Institute Henri Poincare. Thanks, Jean for a very interesting presentation on mathematics and art. Also for your speedy French/English translations for the francophone impaired!The theme for the Group Show by FSA members will be: Elements - Earth Fire, Air, Water. This was decided by the membership present (plus some absentee votes via e-mail) as an overwhelming favorite.NOTE: PLEASE RESPOND BY E-MAIL TO CONFIRM YOUR INTEREST IN BEING IN THE FSA SHOW FOR SPRING 2006. INDICATE YOUR ARTISTIC MEDIUM (Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Digital Art, Performance, etc.) This is not a commitment but an indication of interest. We need to know our potential lineup for the show.The show venue was discussed. Some suggestions have been made such as CCA, SFCC, Arts Amory, St. Johns and the Museo Cultural. It was decided that a more realistic time frame is for a show in the spring of 2006 (not fall of 2005). We need to move quickly on this issue. Your suggestions and assistance are requested! If you have contacts at galleries/museums please make an initial contact about our show and provide feedback.
- We had some resumes (printed and on CD) of your artistic work and a digital image (on CD) of one your works submitted at the meeting. We will need more to assemble a portfolio of members work to show to prospective venues to help them decide on giving us a show. Please e-mail your information or send an Internet link (URL) where you have this information.
- Thanks,
- Titus Paulsel
Expos Update |
Ursula Freer |
Fisher Gallery
February 18 - March 22
January 2005
Meeting notes, 01-11
- On Jan. 11 we had a dozen members present. Dianna Sheffield brought some wine, cake and delicious appetizers. Thanks, Dianna! (next meeting, perhaps everyone can one small item for the group).The meeting had two main parts: 1. Themes for a group show and 2. A presentation by Richard Kramer. .Group discussion and brainstorming led to a list of 15 possible themes for a Forum for Science and Art group show. This list was then further discussed and, by vote, reduced to three contenders:1. End of the Drought 2. Elements - Earth, Fire, Air, Water3. Tale of Two Cities - Santa Fe and Los Alamos.At the next meeting, Feb. 8, we will further discuss these three and then select the theme to pursue for a group show. The show will be held in September or October of this year. The venue will be wherever we can best find one. Some suggestions were made such as CCA, SFCC and the Museo Cultural. Or? Your suggestions and assistance are requested!.The
presentation by Richard was on
Mathematical Evolution. This was a
fascinating discussion on how using
genetic math can lead to solutions
of complex problems in a more efficient
manner than trying to calculate millions
(or more!) of possibilities. The concepts
of genes (aspects of a problem) and
mutations (random value assignments)
can be computerized and leads to converging
solutions. A lively discussion on evolution,
and other
topics, evolved from the talk. Thanks, Richard!.For the next meeting please come prepared to discuss which group theme to choose and what venues we could use and how to secure them. If you have ideas or suggestions now please send them to me and I will combine them to resend to others or have ready for the Feb. 8 meeting. Also, it would be good to have a speaker. Please volunteer and you will be appreciated. Informal is fine, your ideas are what count. Please speak up.We will next meet at 7:15 on Tuesday, February 8 (second Tuesday of month), at the studio of Titus Paulsel in Santa Fe. Hope to see you then.
- Titus